Uniotopia | Life reStory play


Life reStory play

Civilization of Uniotopia

has approached the limits of

growth defined by the rising

heavy walls of great Cradle

fortress that surrounds all

 the Lands and Kingdoms.

Curious Storytellers arrive

into Villages to eagerly help

the habitants of Uniotopia to

dis-solve the fortress and to

move into next evoLutionary

 stage of their Civilization.

red do muladhara sunday unus source arrival body


kingdoms in the Cradle

The ring of Cradle fortress

surrounds whole territory of

all the Kingdoms on Uniotopia

eyeLand. The Cradle fortress

belongs to and is governed

 by families of mighty Lords.

The majority of eyeLand’s

population works for Lords at

big factories and various other

centralized service institutions

operating behind towering

 walls of the Cradle fortress.

orange re svadhisthana monday two vesica birth story


evoLutionary threshold

Vast areas of eyeLand were

inhabited through the last

millenium and six Kingdoms

emerged each developing own

unique culture rooted deep in

 the local nature and climate.

During the last few decades

Civilization of Uniotopia was

approaching the evoLutionary

threshold that is signified by

the growing pressure from

 the great Cradle fortress.

yellow mi manipura tuesday three gift action


pressure of the Fortress

The most fortunate families

have built together the great

fortress around all Kingdoms

to protect from competition

the consolidated supply of

 vital goods and services.

Such a privileged position

of the few wealthiest Lord

families gave them immense

influence over Kings, Villages

and all the essential areas of

 Uniotopia’s habitants’ Life.

green fa anahata wednesday four giving feeling


to welcome a new Stage

The freshman Storytellers

arrive into Villages to share

the novel insights about the

coming Threshold and bright

future emerging despite the

 deep challenges at hand.

 Storytellers help to explore,

understand and harness the

most potent technologies of

nature and human body for

shifting Uniotopia’s Life into

 the next evoLutionary Stage.

blue sol vishuddha thursday five listening expression


to ease the Kingdoms

Storytellers support the

Kings entering cooperative

conversations with the Villages

about the necessary important

changes needed to facilitate

 the evoLutionary transition.

 Changes in the Kingdoms’

order restore fair distribution

of power, ease pressure from

the Lords and open the path for

further evoLutionary growth

 of Uniotopia’s Civilization.

indigo la ajna friday six mirroring insght


to reCognize the rules

Storytellers also assist the

Kings and Villages in meeting

and dealing with the Lords who

are slow to give up the massive

power they acquired and have

 built into the Cradle fortress.

Challenges from the Lords

 are overcome by recognizing,

appreciating and decrowning of

the old survival drives built into

stories, scripts and roles given

 by blood, culture and nature.

violet si sahasrara saturday seven integration restory


moving Out and Into

 Through telling the new Story,

meeting new possibilities and

challenges curious Storytellers

help the habitants of Uniotopia

to pass the major development

 threshold of their Civilization.

Human Life transitions from

the growth stage based on the

lack, fear and competition into

emerging next evoLutionary

phase of harmonious growth

 for all on the round eyeLand.

Intent | to reTreat and to Engage


to reTreat and reEngage

Games help us achieve and

enjoy the mastery within the

space of the game, be it digital

or tangible game. And some

of the games help us master

 our play in daily human Life.

The latter ones help explore,

understand and engage closer

with the key challenges of Life

while the rest help to retreat

from Life just to have a break

 or even to get away from it.

Stages | to master and to Discover


to master and Discover

Most of “productive” games

help us understand and master

the current evoLutionary stage

of Civilization that resembles

global Monopoly game in the

 later phases of development.

Seems there is an adVenture

of building & playing Games

that help us explore, perceive

and navigate Human Life into

emerging next stage of our

 shared Journey on Earth.

Meeting into Conversation | Green into Blue


to adVenture

What if the evoLutionary

Story games can help us slow

down, relax and connect people

of various ages, backgrounds and

lands to explore and to dis-solve

the greatest challenges of today

while guiding into inspiring Next

level of the Game called Human

  adVenture on Planet Earth .. ?

Let’s talk through the walk

when timing is ripe ..